Midsumma Carnival

Happy Midsumma Festival! Welcome to Monash IVF’s virtual stall.

At Monash IVF, we have helped thousands of sexuality and gender diverse people to begin or grow their family. As part of our ongoing commitment to creating culturally safe and affirming environments for sexuality, sex and gender diverse people, we have developed a LGBTIQA+ Diversity and Inclusion strategy and LGBTIQA+ Advisory Committee in collaboration with key LGBTIQA+ community leaders and partner organisations. This strategy involves the development of capacity building programs for our patients and our people, including LGBTIQA+ cultural sensitivity training for all staff across our organisation.

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Free fertility nurse chat

If you’d like more information about your fertility or treatment options, Monash IVF offers free phone chats with experienced fertility nurses. You can book a free nurse chat here.

Our fertility nurses are empathetic and knowledgeable. They can answer your questions and provide you with personalised guidance and advice.

Questions you may ask during a nurse chat include:

  • I’m thinking of medically affirming my gender and want to undergo egg/sperm freezing beforehand. Could you explain the process of fertility preservation?
  • My partner and I have a friend who is happy to be our sperm/egg donor. What do we need to do to start this process?
  • My partner and I are ready to start our family but will need a donor/surrogate. How can you help us with this?
  • What is involved in the IVF process?
  • What tests should I get done to assess my fertility?
  • Which Monash IVF fertility specialist would you recommend for me?

Book a free fertility chat here.

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Become a sperm donor

Did you know that you can donate sperm at Monash IVF if you’re on PrEP?

In Australia, sperm supply isn’t large enough to meet the demand - we need your help! If you want to help people experience the joy of having a child, become a sperm donor today.

There are many different people who need the help of a sperm donor to start their family. They may include:

  • Single women
  • Women in same-sex relationships
  • Men experiencing male infertility
  • Transgender or gender diverse people

At Monash IVF, GBQ+ men are welcome to become sperm donors. If you’re on PrEP, you are still eligible to donate sperm.

If you’d like more information about becoming a sperm donor, fill out the form here.


Meet our doctors

All of our doctors are highly experienced and credentialed in the field of reproductive medicine. We have 27 doctors, consulting all over Victoria. You can see all of our doctors and their locations here.

Our doctors can help you access donor eggs or donor sperm if required. It is important to use a reputable fertility clinic when accessing donor eggs or donor sperm. Monash IVF has Australia's oldest donor program and we only recruit the highest quality of donors to our program. Each donor goes through screening and counselling to ensure their eligibility to donate.

We understand that you’ll want to see a doctor who is best placed to assist you, or who has experience helping the LGBTIQA+ community build their family. We would recommend that you have a free chat with one of our experienced fertility nurses. They’ll listen to your circumstances and doctor requirements, then they can make a recommendation about which of our doctors is suited to you. You can book a free nurse chat here.

Want to be notified about our upcoming LGBTIQA+ online events?

Register your interest here.
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Start your fertility journey

Wherever you are on your journey, one of our supportive nurse enquiry team can help you understand your options and take the next step. These conversations are free and informative.

Book a nurse chat Book an appointment
Free Nurse Chat