Assess your Fertility
Remember - everybody’s fertility journey is different. Your GP or referring doctor may have already sent you for some tests. Great! In that case, your fertility specialist can review your results, order additional tests and suggest possible treatment options.
If you haven’t had any tests yet, not to worry. We’re experts in assessing fertility, and we can help.

Female Fertility Testing
Ovulation testing and tracking
Your fertility specialist will usually start by checking if you are ovulating. They might do this using an ovulation kit, a blood test and/or an ultrasound.
With a series of transvaginal ultrasounds, your specialist can track how your follicles are developing within the ovaries. Ideally, these follicles contain immature eggs - known as primordial follicles - that will mature into leading or dominant follicles over the first half of your cycle.
Your fertility specialist tracks the follicles’ progress using ultrasound. They may also order a series of blood tests to assess your levels of oestrogen and progesterone (female hormones). Together, this information helps determine your fertile window: the best time for you and your partner to have sex.
Please contact our nurse enquiry team to find out what ultrasound services are near you.
Pelvic ultrasound
Your specialist might refer you for a pelvic ultrasound to assess your reproductive system. This includes the vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries and other pelvic structures.
A pelvic ultrasound can help find answers if you’re experiencing:
- heavy, irregular or infrequent periods in premenopausal women
- pelvic pain
- infertility
Pelvic ultrasounds are also used to diagnose polycystic ovaries. For more complex cases, a patient may require a specialised pelvic ultrasound - such as a HyCoSy (used to examine the fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs) or a Sonohysterogram (a study of the uterus).
Please contact our nurse enquiry team to find out what ultrasound services are near you.
Checking fallopian tubes
Fertilisation occurs in the fallopian tubes. So it’s a good idea to make sure they’re healthy if you’re struggling to fall pregnant.
Your fertility specialist can check if your fallopian tubes are blocked or damaged by:
- laparoscopic surgery
- an x-ray
- a tubal patency test (a dye test)
Please contact our nurse enquiry team to find out what ultrasound services are near you.

Ovarian reserve (AMH) blood test
What is the ovarian reserve
Also known as the ‘egg timer test’, this simple blood test assesses your fertility by giving an indication as to the number of eggs left in the ovaries.
What is my ovarian reserve?
Your ovarian reserve is the number of eggs left in your ovaries. Incredibly, women are born with all the eggs they’ll ever have - around 2 million! But their quantity and quality deteriorate with age.
From age 35, your ovarian reserve progressively declines until menopause. For women experiencing premature menopause, their ovarian reserve declines even earlier.
What is the AMH test?
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) is produced by follicles in the ovaries which contain your eggs. As a result, the level of AMH in your blood is a good indicator of your ovarian reserve. The AMH blood test tells us how many eggs you have remaining, as well as providing us with a guide of how many fertile years you have ahead.
Please note - the test can only identify how many eggs you have left. Unfortunately, there’s no test for egg quality.
Conveniently, the AMH blood test can be done at any time during your menstrual cycle. You can even complete the test if you’re on the contraceptive pill.
Should I have the AMH test done?
You might want to have the AMH blood test if you:
- are having trouble conceiving
- want to check that your ovarian reserve (the number of eggs in your ovaries) is at a healthy level for your age
- are concerned about factors that could have affected your ovarian reserve, such as chemotherapy
How do I complete the AMH test?
The AMH blood test is a specialised test, so it’s important the results are analysed by a trained fertility expert. If you’d like to have the test, consult with your fertility specialist. Alternatively, talk to one of our experienced fertility nurses for more information.

Male fertility testing
Semen analysis
Male infertility is the second biggest cause of infertility (after a woman’s age). So if you’re struggling to get pregnant, it’s a good idea for the male to get tested, too.
The best way to assess male fertility is through a semen analysis. The test can give accurate information about:
- motility - how many sperm can swim
- morphology - the shape of the sperm
- count - how many individual sperm are present in the sample
- vitality - how healthy the sperm are and their chance of survival
Preparing for semen analysis
Your semen analysis can be undertaken by Monash IVF’s experienced scientists at the NATA accredited laboratories at our major sites. Before you book your semen analysis, you’ll need a referral from your GP or fertility specialist.
To arrange your semen analysis in Victoria, call our Andrology team on 1800 731 672. To arrange your semen analysis in other states, please contact your local Monash IVF clinic.
Please note: regional patients can access semen analysis from their local pathology company. Your Monash IVF clinic can recommend a preferred laboratory in your region.

Start your fertility journey
Wherever you are on your journey, one of our supportive nurse enquiry team can help you understand your options and take the next step. These conversations are free and informative.