Celebrating 50+ years of Monash IVF
A lot has changed over 50 years. When in vitro fertilisation research kicked off at Monash University in mid-1971, Professor Carl Wood could never have imagined just how many people his work would go on to help.
Today, 1 in 20 children in Australia are born from IVF treatment. And over 50,000 babies have been born with our help.
We are honoured to be part of your fertility journey and hope you will join us as we celebrate 50 years of Monash IVF.

Share your Monash IVF story
Are you a past patient or a grown up Monash IVF baby? We want to hear about your journey with Monash IVF. Please send us your story or photographs to50years@monashivf.com
The IVF Pioneers
We've been helping create Australian families for over 50 years - and we're here to help you too.
With many world-firsts and Australian-firsts under our belt, we've always been at the cutting edge of reproductive technology. Our patients have access to the latest fertility science and success rates we're proud of. But the heart of everything we do is our care for our patients.
All of our fertility specialists are highly credentialed and experienced. Some of our clinicians were even trained and mentored by legendary IVF pioneers Professor Carl Wood, Professor John Leeton, Professor Gab Kovacs and Dr Bruce Downing.
To find a Monash IVF fertility specialist close to you, click here.

Start your fertility journey
Wherever you are on your journey, one of our supportive nurse enquiry team can help you understand your options and take the next step. These conversations are free and informative.