Video Listing VIC

Medication Demonstration – Cetrotide

Medication Demonstration – Crinone

Medication Demonstration – Decapeptyl

Medication Demonstration – Elonva

Medication Demonstration – Endometrin

Medication Demonstration – Gonal-F

Medication Demonstration – Intramuscular Progesterone

Medication Demonstration – Luveris

Medication Demonstration – Menopur

Medication Demonstration – Orgalutran

Medication Demonstration – Ovidrel

Medication Demonstration – Pregnyl 5000 - 10000

If the dose prescribed is 5,000 iu, then after mixing one vial of powder and one vial of liquid together, attach the small needle and inject this amount.However, if you have been asked to inject 10,000 iu i.e. two powders and one liquid, please go on to mix the first solution into the second powder and then swap the needle to the smaller one ready for injection.

Medication Demonstration – Progesterone Pessary

Medication Demonstration – Puregon

Medication Demonstration – Synarel

Medication Demonstration – Utrogestan

Treatment Cycle Information

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