Timed Intercourse
What is Timed Intercourse?
Timed intercourse is a simple treatment to help couples pinpoint their most fertile window. It’s often the starting point of a couple’s fertility journey. Your fertility specialist will usually do some blood tests, maybe a urine test, and an ultrasound to confirm when you’re due to ovulate.

Ovulation and conceiving
Typically, each month your body has a menstrual cycle where an egg is released from the ovaries – this is called ovulation. Ovulation occurs (on average) 14 days before the start of your period; however it’s completely normal for women to ovulate (release the egg from the ovaries) anywhere from 12-18 days before their period starts. Once it is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube, the egg has a maximum of 24 hours to be fertilised. Sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for 2-3 days waiting for the egg. By accurately predicting when ovulation will occur, we can advise the right time to have sex to give the best chance of conception. Your fertility specialist might recommend you don’t have sex for 2-3 days prior to your fertile window to allow the sperm to build up to the best levels for fertilisation.
Help with Ovulation
For Timed Intercourse to be successful, ovulation must occur. Women who do not ovulate regularly may need medication to make sure ovulation occurs at the predicted time. Your fertility specialist will discuss with you whether medication is needed to induce ovulation. When you’re ready to get pregnant, it's a good idea to see a fertility specialist to check out your fertility and make sure you’re in good health.
Book a complimentary nurse chat
If you would like more information about Timed Intercourse and whether this service may assist you, speak to our team of experienced fertility nurses.

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