Meet Kee
Southport (Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery Gold Coast), Gold Coast Clinic
New patient enquiries: 1800 628 533

Dr Kee Ong
Clinical Director - Monash IVF Gold Coast
Dr Kee Ong is the Clinical Director of Monash IVF Gold Coast with over two decades of dedicated experience in the complicated sub-specialty of reproductive medicine.
Focussed solely on fertility, recurrent miscarriage, and reproductive surgeries, Kee has vast knowledge and experience dealing with the most complex fertility issues.
In collaboration with Monash IVF, The Centre of Reproductive Medicine and Surgery allows Kee to provide comprehensive and targeted care powered by the best science and latest technology while supporting patients with a holistic approach to allied health.
With a team of over 80 highly skilled nurses, expert Monash IVF scientists, patient liaisons, and alternate health practitioners, Kee steers from the heart with a strong reputation for connecting patients in a hope-driven community through kind, genuine, above-and-beyond care.
For more information, please visit Dr Ong’s website at or contact his consulting rooms directly on 07 5519 1602.
Instagram @drkeeong
Facebook @drkeeong – Reproductive Medicine & Infertility

Start your fertility journey
Wherever you are on your journey, one of our supportive nurse enquiry team can help you understand your options and take the next step. These conversations are free and informative.