Patient Resources – Queensland

This Patient Resources page has been designed to provide information for patients that can be referred back to at any time throughout your treatment in Queensland.

Undergoing IVF and related treatment is complex; there is a lot of information that a patient needs to understand and this can be overwhelming. This page includes information about:

  • Fertility treatment cycles
  • Treatment costs and relevant financial information
  • Preimplantation Genetic Testing
  • The World Egg Bank
  • Medication Demonstrations

Treatment Cycle Information

At the commencement of your treatment, you will be notified about these resources and provided with a password. The videos cover information that will be provided to you at your nurse interview and we encourage you to watch in advance and note down any questions you may have that you can then discuss with your IVF Nurse. You are able to watch the video as many times as you wish.

Treatment Cost Information

This video runs through information that will be discussed at your finance interview and is specific for Queensland patients. We encourage you to watch in advance of your finance interview and note down any question you may have that you can then discuss with our finance team.

Treatment Cost Information – Queensland

Preimplantation Genetic Testing Information

This video covers information regarding PGT services for Monash IVF patients in Queensland. For information relating to more complex PGT options (eg: PGT for a chromosome rearrangement or PGT for a monogenic disorder), please contact Monash IVF.

If you are considering having PGT with your IVF cycle:

Step 1. Watch the Preimplantation Genetic Testing Information Video.

Step 2. Have a PGT information session with a PGT scientist. The process for this will be advised by your local team. This is an opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding PGT and complete the consent form.

*** Please note that terminology around this technology is evolving. PGS – Pre implantation Genetic Screening is now referred to as PGT-A, Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy. These terms may be used interchangeably.

Testing Previous terminologyNew terminology
24 chromosome screening (aneuploidy and sex selection)PGSPGT-A (aneuploidy)
Single Gene/MonogenicPGDPGT-M (monogenic)
Translocation/chromosome rearrangementPGDPGT-SR (structural rearrangement)

Further information
Fact Sheet – Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A)

Fact Sheet – Confirmatory Prenatal Diagnosis following Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT)

Undertaking treatment with Donor Eggs, Embryos or Sperm

This video covers information about using Donor Eggs, Embryos or Sperm for Monash IVF patients in Queensland.

Undertaking Surrogacy Treatment

This video covers information about undertaking Surrogacy treatment in Queensland.

The World Egg Bank

Information about The World Egg Bank (TWEB) and how to access donor eggs is detailed in this video below. For further information on TWEB, please click here.

Medication Demonstrations

We have created a series of short medication demonstrations covering a variety of commonly used IVF medications. Your specific medications will be prescribed by your fertility specialist.

Medication Demonstration – Bemfola

Medication Demonstration – Cetrotide

Medication Demonstration – Crinone

Medication Demonstration – Decapeptyl

Medication Demonstration – Elonva

Medication Demonstration – Endometrin

Medication Demonstration – Gonal-F

Medication Demonstration – Luveris

Medication Demonstration – Menopur

Medication Demonstration – Orgalutran

Medication Demonstration – Ovidrel

Medication Demonstration – Pregnyl 5000 - 10000

If the dose prescribed is 5,000 iu, then after mixing one vial of powder and one vial of liquid together, attach the small needle and inject this amount.However, if you have been asked to inject 10,000 iu i.e. two powders and one liquid, please go on to mix the first solution into the second powder and then swap the needle to the smaller one ready for injection.

Medication Demonstration – Progesterone Pessary

Medication Demonstration – Puregon

Medication Demonstration – Synarel

Medication Demonstration – Utrogestan

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